On my way to work Saturday night less than a mile from where I work, someone decided to run a red light. I didn't see him till the last second because of a building blocking the view of that road he was coming down. He said he was driving 30 mph and I was going 45 mph which was the posted speed limit. If I wouldn't have had my seatbelt on I would have been seriously hurt, right now i just have a few pulled muscles in my back. I hit him on his drivers side. Needless to say its an ongoing battle right now even trying to get a rental car to get to work. I felt like I was in an episode of "Six feet under" the guy was a funeral director that just picked up a body. He said he was lost and wasn't looking at the light instead he was looking at road signs. The whole body in the back seat of his van freaked me out at the time.....
Hi Wendy
Glad that you're ok!!! The car looks bad =( But it's just a car, and can either be fixed, or you get a new one! =)I wish people would pay attention when they drive!!!!
omg Wendalyn,
That car looks awful. You were so lucky. An angel must have been with you at the time. Cant imagine how scared you must have been.... Im so glad you escaped without further injuries and thank goodness you are OK. My husband always says this: 'drive like no one else knows what they are doing'.... that seems to hold true time and again. Take care and best of luck with that someone else driving and the insurance companies with this battle. It can be such a hassle to deal with... as for your car - dont worry - its replaceable! Kindly, America
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