Thanks for all the comments and concerns about my lasik I had done on Friday. Wow if I would have known it was as easy as it was I would have done it years ago. My vision was -325 in both eyes and I have astigmatism pretty bad. My eye doctor always suggested I wear Toric but I never went to them because even with the blurr I got accustomed to it.
So one of the guys I work with his sister just had it done last week. I thought OK I can do this. So I called LasikPlus and got an appointment a day later. They ran a series of different test and explained the process to me. I hate to admit this but because I am over 40 I am prone to have the muscle be relaxed which eventually is what makes people have to get biofocals. So they suggested "Monovision" you see Nearsighted in one eye and Farsighted in the other. At the time I went to the eye doctor I was Nearsighted in both eyes. I think lol I can see close not far.
I had to go without my contacts 3 days. My exam was Wednesday and my Surgury was Friday. You are there maybe an hour or so basically they run all the normal eye tests again to make sure all calculations are correct. They explain after care etc. And they give you a Valum if needed which I needed. I swear the older you get the worse you get about stuff like that.
I then went into a room and layed down on a bed which had a machine over me. They put drops in your eyes to numb them. I did NOT feel one thing. They put a thing in your eye to hold it open then slid you over to the other machine and ran a laser around it to make a flap on your cornea. They folded that over and rolled you back to the other machine. You see a little haze. Then at the other machine you see what reminds me of when a station use to go off the air but in green and red. He counts to like 15 and then rolls you back over to the other machine area which is from his right to his left. Then my eye felt cool and he covered it with a patch. Did the same process for the other eye. Which the whole process took maybe 5 minutes. My husband watched the whole thing on a screen. At that point my eyes were a bit fuzzy. He checked and made sure they looked ok and I was on my way. No point in the procedure I felt any pain.
On my way home the light started bothering my eyes and my eyes started a burning sensation which they said would happen. I went home grabbed my ipod and laid down to sleep for 3 - 4 hours. I woke up and seen better than I ever had before. My astigmatism is gone. Remember I see near out of one eye and far from another so you need to use both your eyes lol. This is strange but I can still see better than I ever have before. In case anyone is wondering it costed me $3198 and that is with a lifetime warranty in case I would ever need a touch up which he said majority don't. It also includes exams etc.
I have an exam right now so was just leaving the house then I have another one in a couple weeks. Then another one this summer. I am so happy about the way it turned out. I heard from others you may feel like you got grit in your eyes. I have not felt this. My eyes feel fine. My left eye which is the farsighted one is a little soar as its bloodshot but nothing I can't deal with.
Here is a new digital image from Victoria Case (Link on the side) I am in a hurry so just click on the side link and go to the digital images. I have 3 other's to show you later they are all adorable.... Have a great day.